Tuesday, December 15, 2009

...major slacker....

OBVIOUSLY I'm a wonderful mother, since I've been keeping such a detailed record of my kid :)haha.... I decided to just use this as a random cute/ funny /exciting thing journal.... so I won't have big fat update blogs, I'll just jump on here and post random cute to me and Rich, maybe cute to you things, so that I can show my kids when they grow up how freaking hilarious and adorable they were.

- Last month I got Macy the first half of her SEASONAL flu shot, and before we went in I explained to her that she had to go in and get just a "little owie", but it would help her not get sick and have lots of owies for lots of days. I kept reassuring her that it was just a " little owie" OF COURSE she screamed her little head off.... Fast forward to today... I went to get my blood drawn for my one hour glucose tolerance test for this pregnancy and I brought Macy with me. As soon as we walked into the little room where they were going to draw my blood, she whipped her little self around and with HUGE eyes, went running out yelling " I DON'T WANT A LITTLE OWIE!!!!!!"

- Today in the car we stopped at a red light. Macy looked up and said, " Red means stop!" So I said, "Yep and what does green mean??" She said she didn't know so I told her, "Green means GO!" She sat for about 20 seconds and then said, "What does blue mean?" and I said, " I don't know, what DOES blue mean?" She got a big smile on her face and said " BLUE MEANS PLAY!"

Friday, May 29, 2009

Update on the Moo...

Well we took Macy to the doctor this week and here is the update and good news that she is only one shot behind now. There weren't supposed to be any shots at this visit, but Macy is on a reduced schedule. Only two shots every time. I just don't agree with giving kids 3 and 4 shots for their little immune systems to try and handle all at once! I'm not saying that is right for EVERYONE, it just how we roll...:) Also, After livin in up in the 95-99th percentile for head size, weight and height her whole life, she is now down to 90th percentile for height and 75th for weight.... they didn't mention her head size, which I'm fine with since I already feel guilty about passing down my big ole' nogin. :) She is talking up a storm and our favorites are "Hi guys!", "I gotchoo mommy/daddy", "uh-oh, where'd Daddy go?" (that one is in the morning after rich leaves for work) " " bye home" when we leave and " oh, hi home!" when we come back, and Rich just taught her to say " monkey poop" so she just walks around the house saying," monkey poop, ooh ooh ooh" ( the sound that the monkey makes) over and over... it's cute/embarrassing :) Ever since she got on our friends, the Leonards, blog and remembered her bff Emma, she is obsessed with asking for her...she is always saying "Oh no! where'd Emma go?"
Her other current obsession is her Disney figurines my my mom got her at Disneyland... she takes them everywhere she goes, and has to have ALL OF them or we are screwed.....

So there's a little moo action for you... I really suck at keeping her blog updated...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

...cutest apple ever...

This morning I was running around cleaning everything up and found this in Macy's ball pit...
Is this not the cutest apple you've ever seen? She went in the fridge and got it all my herself.... BIG GIRL!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

I'm working on uploading the Easter movie I made of Macy's Easter egg hunt...but since it's 9 minutes long we are running into some drama :) So here is a cute picture of Macy before church.... She is doing her fake smile, which makes her look a little drunk of too much candy, but that is what holidays are for right?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Let the fun begin!

YAY! Welcome to Macy's Official Blog! I just figured I don't post enough of her on my regular blog for our family to have a accurate picture of how fast she is growing up...tear, sniff sniff... and as I mentioned on MY blog, and would like to reiterate...i named the blog superdupercutekids (plural) to future proof this thing so when kid number 2 comes around, I don't have to change the address...So to be clear.. I'm NOT PREGNANT. Here's a few cute pictures to start us off... Unfortunately my camera with all the more recent stuff on it, is in Rich's car....So check in tomorrow for cute videos and pictures from here in Montana. The first picture I took a while ago, but it cracks me up because she HONESTLY brought me that hat and socks and wanted me to put them on her. So that sense of style is ALL HER. Another thing that cracks me up is Macy has never ever used a binky, so it's really funny to see her with one...
This is whenI tried to give her a mohawk.....obviously she wasn't havin' it...

This girl LOOOOVES her spaghetti.
Ball Bath! One of her very favorite things to do!

Every chance she gets, this girl eats snow....you'd think we were starving her...
Alright, so again, check back tomorrow for more recent Moo fun...