- Last month I got Macy the first half of her SEASONAL flu shot, and before we went in I explained to her that she had to go in and get just a "little owie", but it would help her not get sick and have lots of owies for lots of days. I kept reassuring her that it was just a " little owie" OF COURSE she screamed her little head off.... Fast forward to today... I went to get my blood drawn for my one hour glucose tolerance test for this pregnancy and I brought Macy with me. As soon as we walked into the little room where they were going to draw my blood, she whipped her little self around and with HUGE eyes, went running out yelling " I DON'T WANT A LITTLE OWIE!!!!!!"
- Today in the car we stopped at a red light. Macy looked up and said, " Red means stop!" So I said, "Yep and what does green mean??" She said she didn't know so I told her, "Green means GO!" She sat for about 20 seconds and then said, "What does blue mean?" and I said, " I don't know, what DOES blue mean?" She got a big smile on her face and said " BLUE MEANS PLAY!"
I can't get over how freakin adorable my baby girl is!!! I just wanna squeeze her and give her kisses!! Love you Moo!!