Last week Macy and I were having a little discussion about Jesus. I asked her where Jesus lived and she said " oh... in Las Vegas".... awesome.
Macy currently calls elevators " alligators"... don't try to correct her, as she will bet money that it is an alligator and not an elevator...
Today Rich was teaching Macy how to open her Easter eggs. She watched him intently and after he showed her how she responded " oh, now I get it" ... normally that isn't a funny except when it comes from a 2 year old wearing footsie pajamas.. then it's freaking adorable and hilarious.
Macy came out this morning and discovered her Easter basket... she rifled through all the stuff and was super stoked. After she checked it all out, I re-iterated to her that the EASTER BUNNY had brought her all that fun stuff... then she looked at me while pointing to the basket and said "Mommy, that's probably from Target.".... I just can't win.
Poor Santa, Easter Bunnny, Tooth Fairy and who ever we as adults have made to be real. They have no chance again Miss Macy! Good luck! Target...That's funny!