Tuesday, June 21, 2011

...sail through a grotto?...

Earlier, Macy brought her almost out of helium balloon up to me.
She said " Mom, this balloon is out of balloon oil"
I said " Kind of. It's actually called helium and it's a gas that keeps the balloon up, so yes, it's almost out of helium."
She said " When it's all gone, it'll run out of gas and it won't have anymore power?"
I said " That's right"
She said " Well, we'd better get a refill and quick!"
Macy just came up to me with big tears in her eyes...
She asked " Mom? If I get on a golden boat and sail through a grotto, will the sea witch cast a naughty spell on me and turn me into this?" Then she made a face that looked like she had been punched in the stomach.
I said "  No Macy, no sea witch will ever cast a spell on you EVER"
She said " oh good, then I'll stop crying"

Luke calls water " wan-oo" and if I give him "wan-oo" instead of milk, she throws his sippy cup across the room and yells " NO WAN-OO"

That isn't cute, I just wanted to keep it on record so I can remind him he owes me big time later in life.

Every time either Rich or I leaves the house Macy says " Bye! I'll never forget you!!!!"

Macy will randomly ask us " Hey, what song am I singing?" Then she'll make a weird face while she bops her head and looks like she is chewing something with her mouth closed. We didn't get it at first but she is actually singing a song in her head and trying to mouth the words...but with her mouth closed. The best part is we guess the songs right 80% of the time because she has so few songs in her repertoire. Meanwhile she thinks we are mind readers, and I think I'll keep it that way.

Luke has a unused swim diaper that he has made his hat. He brings it to me and says " at?" and touches his head, so I put it on and he walks around like he is the coolest thing ever and keeps patting the diaper saying " at!" with a super smug smile on his face.
I taught Macy the first Article of Faith just to see if she could remember it. I couldn't decide whether or not I should start the 2nd one or not so I just read it to her to see if she was interested. Two days later she told me " men should be punished for their own sins and not for Adam's transmission ( instead of transgression).

One of Luke's 5,000 nicknames is Godzilla. He is OBSESSED with sitting in or on things. If Macy builds a little town or tower out of blocks he walks up to it, turns around and sits on it. If there is even the smallest puddle of water or mud ( oye!) he walks right over, plops himself down and makes himself comfortable.
News update to the evolution of Luke's nicknames. Starting with his real name ending with what his name as evolved into.
Luker Bum
Luker bum bum
the bum bum
bum bum
bum diddy bum bum
bum diddy
the diddy
diddy from the big city.
the did

SO yes, we call our child "Did."
Any suggestion and/or guesses as to what the next stage of evolution will be??????

1 comment:

  1. You'r kids are SO cute and SO grown up! I can't believe how fast time flies! Macy is so witty, I can hardly believe it! Love you guys and REALLY want to see you soon!
