Thursday, September 29, 2011

...sweaty glitter...

We were at the craft/fabric store yesterday and Luke screamed "NOSE!" and the stuck, what looked like his entire finger, up there. He kept saying it over and over "Nose! Nose! Nose!" and trying to see how far up into his nose he could get his finger. Later that night as we knelt down for family prayer, Rich noticed something sitting on his upper lip. He took it off and said " Kellie what is this?" Upon further inspection, I found out it was one of those fake flower berries. He must have ripped one off at the craft store and stuck it up his nose... hence the carrying on about his nose at the store.... I'm so so SO in trouble with this one. I'm gonna have to do nightly cavity checks.

I just told Macy " You are so fabulous, you sweat glitter...." to which she replied "That sounds like a mess"

Macy often drags the bean bag over right in front of the couch so that she can jump from the couch to the bean bag... This morning I watched Luke drag a throw pillow over to the couch, climb up onto the couch, and belly flop right onto the throw pillow. Needless to say, it wasn't a soft landing, but I say...lesson learned.

Luke weighs 32 pounds...That's like 3 sacks of potatoes I have to haul around everyday.

I asked Macy what she wanted for Christmas and she said "An xray machine to see inside my body"

Luke ate 3 hot dogs and an entire can of mandarin oranges, and then brought me his plate and said " more?" I said no and he started bawling, threw him on the ground yelling "MORE! MORE!" Obviously I gave him more, as I imagined our future grocery bill and tried not to cry.

We went outside and Macy was covering her eyes and walking around. I asked her what she was doing and she said " I can't handle the sunshine in my eyes, because my eyes are too expensive." I'm guessing she meant sensitive.

Here's a piping hot fresh batch of legos... compliments of Macy.

We started a couple of hours a week of preschool with a friend of mine and her two girls. Macy LOVES IT. My friend usually takes a day and I take a day, and it's really just a couple of hours to have some fun...I took a picture of our BEE WEEK projects..That little rope/popsicle stick/pencil eraser contraption is a buzz maker... It's super cool.
and finally... some pictures of the little stinkers...

Just a little toddlers and tiaras moment right here...
He's wild.

1 comment:

  1. I just spent the past several minutes reading these and it is cracking me up. I should have done this for Baylie. I put them in the margin of my blog, but there are too many so I print them out and then delete them. I wish we lived closer because our little girls would be hilarious together.
