Friday, February 3, 2012 the name of Mickey Mouse...

Macy asked if Jesus could talk through the clouds down to us. I told her Jesus doesn't really live above the clouds, he lives in a different place and THAT is Heaven. And then Macy said “ Oh.... Utah?”

Luke walks around with a small red lightsaber saying “ I bayder, I bayder” (I'm Vader)

Macy asked if Jesus could hear everything we said. I told her yes. After 5 minutes of super concentrated thinking she said “ So I won't SAY anything naughty, I'll just DO some things naughty.” to which I replied, “ I have bad new, Jesus can SEE you” BIG EYED and shocked she exclaimed  “WHAT?!?"

Whenever Luke sees anything dark he says "dats scay-wee"

In primary our primary president told they kids they should be reverent ALL THE TIME...Macy raised her hand and suggested "How about we are reverent when my hair is curly, but when my hair is straight, we dont' have to be..." .....SOMEONE is stinking DIVA.

I just told Macy " Hey Macy, I love you!" to which she replied "Well that's no surprise"

We are teaching Luke to say family prayers at night and this is how tonight's prayer went.
Kellie “ say Dear Heavenly Father”
Luke: “fauder”
Kellie” we are thankful for...”
Luke “ Mickey Mouse”
Kellie” we ask thee for...”
Luke “ Mickey Mouse”
Kellie “ please bless...”
Luke “ Mickey Mouse clubhouse”
Kellie “in the name of “
Luke “ Mickey Mouse”
Kellie “ Jesus Christ”
Luke “ Amen”

We were swimming at our hotel pool, which was right next to a conference room where a kickboxing tournament was being held. There was a lot of drinking and smoking going on, so I told Rich when we walked in " Ew, it smells like cigarettes and booze.." 30 minutes later we were having fun swimming and Macy blurts out... "EW! It smells like cigarettes and boobs!"

And whenever ANYONE passes gas Luke proudly exclaims  "I tooted!!"

We were headed down to breakfast at our hotel, and Macy told Luke, " We are going to a breakfast restaurant...(long pause) and when you put those words together, it's a BREASTAURANT!"

Luke is talking up a storm these days. But that doesn't mean we always understand him. It almost takes a Rosetta stone to understand this kid at times, case in point..... gunk-in= pumpkin, diddy-bup-bup= giddy up, shooper= super

I met a woman at Costco...we started talking and I told her I was from Las Vegas, then she told me she was San Diego....immediately Macy interjected and said " And I'm from Heavenly Father!!!"