Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Macy pointed to the back pocket on my jeans and said " Hey mom, what is that?" and I said , " Oh that's my pocket!" to which she replied... "No way mom, that is your butt so you can poop" Can you tell we are potty training???

Luke dropped something a block and it startled macy pretty bad. She looked and hims and said " WHAT THE FREAK WAS THAT!?" This is funny to some of you and a sign that I'm a horrific mom to others.

Macy has now requsted to be everything under the sun for Halloween. She's wanted to be a spider, a witch, batman, buzz lightyear, and now is adamant that she wants to be SUPER MACY... if any one knows what that looks like let me know. I asked her and she said super macy wears "green pants, green shirt, a green mask and has a belt" Fabulous.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Kellie: : Macy where did you come from?
Macy: Heavenly Father gave me to you.
Kellie: Your right!!! Where did Luke come from?
Macy: Oh, he came from the hostival ( hospital)


I was using my "parenting tone" to tell Macy it isn't nice to yell in Luke's face. I told her if she yelled in his face again, she'd have a time out. Then she looked at me pointed at me and said....



I told Macy that it wasn't nice to steal toys from Luke and that if she stole toys from him again I'd take a toy for a whole day from her. She then pointed to her own face and said " Mom, do you see my face? This is my mad face and I'm very mad!" 2 hours later, she asked for a cookie and and said she couldn't have one until after lunch she then scrunched up her face with a big frown, pointed to her own face and said " mommy, do you see this face? This is my sad face and I'm very sad that you won't give me a cookie right now!"
We walked into a mexican restuarant last week for dinner and upon walking in Macy yelled " Oh this place is DISGUSTING!"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

...bedtime story...

Tonight I told Macy a story before bed and then after I was done she wanted to tell me a story... I tried really hard to remember the whole thing and ran right out here to write it before I forget...

One day, there were A LOT OF DINOSAURS!!!! And the ground was SHAKING!! There were light blue and purple and blue and green and light green dinosaurs everywhere!!! So daddy and Macy ran in the house and the house flew up into the air and flew to Las Vegas and flew to the airport and the dinosaurs were crying and we had fun and went to chuck e cheese the end.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Macy is hilarious. Sometimes talking to her is like playing a super cute little guessing game... she says things and I have no idea where she gets it, OR I have no clue what she is acually saying. Here's a little vocab lesson in Macy language...

stand up........stan-bup

cute kid....

Sunday, April 4, 2010

funny kid

Last week Macy and I were having a little discussion about Jesus. I asked her where Jesus lived and she said " oh... in Las Vegas".... awesome.

Macy currently calls elevators " alligators"... don't try to correct her, as she will bet money that it is an alligator and not an elevator...

Today Rich was teaching Macy how to open her Easter eggs. She watched him intently and after he showed her how she responded " oh, now I get it" ... normally that isn't a funny except when it comes from a 2 year old wearing footsie pajamas.. then it's freaking adorable and hilarious.

Macy came out this morning and discovered her Easter basket... she rifled through all the stuff and was super stoked. After she checked it all out, I re-iterated to her that the EASTER BUNNY had brought her all that fun stuff... then she looked at me while pointing to the basket and said "Mommy, that's probably from Target.".... I just can't win.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

...the boy name...

first things first... I really need to change the header of this blog to include the little boy... I'm working on it :)

So, the name story is a semi long one, so I thought I'd get it on the "kid journal" instead of my regular blog, which is mostly for entertainment purposes only :)


Rich and I were talking about names a looooong time ago before Macy was even a twinkle in her dad's eye, and Luke was brought up and we both knew we loved the name, and wanted to name one of our son's Luke, if we ever had one :) Fast forward to 4 years later, when our first little boy was 24 hours old, we decided over breakfast that this little guy was the lucky "Luke" winner :)

During this pregnancy we were so confused about what to name him and had several names on the short list. The crazy part is we both subconsciously would refer to him, or his stuff as "Luke"... We got a few Christmas gifts for the little boy and I found myself several times telling Macy not to touch them because they were "Luke's toys" And every time I said that I would go, "WHAT the!?" Also Rich said he would drive past the hospital and just randomly think " That's where Luke is going to be born" and go WHAT THE?!?! Mostly because for most of my pregnancy we had written the name Luke off because it doesn't have enough syllables and possibly sounded like "Lou Kuh Nap" .... I'm pretty sure it STILL doesn't have enough syllables and does possible sound like Lou Kuh Knapp depending on how you say it or how much you over think it :) But we decided to get over it and give into it! And now we love it!!!!!

James came around for a few reasons... #1 It's manly :) #2It's the name of the one of the Captains of the Enterprise :) #3 Rich's dad's middle name is Jay.... so it's a half a shout out to Clive :)

So that's the story how the boy with no name became Luke James Knapp.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

...proud mom...

Call me crazy, but when I saw this little tower creation, I was ECSTATIC....

Rich and I were watching American Idol and I heard this little " look mommy!" I looked at her and found this beautifully constructed masterpiece....It's so funny because as a mom when your kid does something you didn't know they could do, or something that shows that the little gears in there brain had to work overtime to do it, it really does become something BEAUTIFUL! It goes from a stack of blocks to a brilliantly pieced together sculpture!!!! I sound nuts... but that's really how I feel!
Funny note of the day..... Macy calls Hamburgers "Sham-burgers" I have no idea why.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Today, Macy was helping me make pancakes for breakfast. While I was flipping the first batch, I looked over and saw that she had lined up 3 measuring cups from biggest to smallest. Then after she looked at them for a second she pointed to each one, starting with the biggest and said "Oh that's Daddy, Mommy, and Macy!" She's also done this with 3 different sizes of dolls, balls, and drinking cups....I'm just glad the daddy stuff is still bigger than the mommy stuff, even though that MAY not be the case in there here latter days of my pregnancy! :)
Yesterday, I was sitting on the couch apparently looking very tired because Macy came up to me and said " Mommy? Are you SUPER TIRED???" I told her "Yes mommy IS super tired" and with that the she patted my cheek and gave me a kiss. Oh how I love that little girl!!!