Thursday, September 29, 2011

...sweaty glitter...

We were at the craft/fabric store yesterday and Luke screamed "NOSE!" and the stuck, what looked like his entire finger, up there. He kept saying it over and over "Nose! Nose! Nose!" and trying to see how far up into his nose he could get his finger. Later that night as we knelt down for family prayer, Rich noticed something sitting on his upper lip. He took it off and said " Kellie what is this?" Upon further inspection, I found out it was one of those fake flower berries. He must have ripped one off at the craft store and stuck it up his nose... hence the carrying on about his nose at the store.... I'm so so SO in trouble with this one. I'm gonna have to do nightly cavity checks.

I just told Macy " You are so fabulous, you sweat glitter...." to which she replied "That sounds like a mess"

Macy often drags the bean bag over right in front of the couch so that she can jump from the couch to the bean bag... This morning I watched Luke drag a throw pillow over to the couch, climb up onto the couch, and belly flop right onto the throw pillow. Needless to say, it wasn't a soft landing, but I say...lesson learned.

Luke weighs 32 pounds...That's like 3 sacks of potatoes I have to haul around everyday.

I asked Macy what she wanted for Christmas and she said "An xray machine to see inside my body"

Luke ate 3 hot dogs and an entire can of mandarin oranges, and then brought me his plate and said " more?" I said no and he started bawling, threw him on the ground yelling "MORE! MORE!" Obviously I gave him more, as I imagined our future grocery bill and tried not to cry.

We went outside and Macy was covering her eyes and walking around. I asked her what she was doing and she said " I can't handle the sunshine in my eyes, because my eyes are too expensive." I'm guessing she meant sensitive.

Here's a piping hot fresh batch of legos... compliments of Macy.

We started a couple of hours a week of preschool with a friend of mine and her two girls. Macy LOVES IT. My friend usually takes a day and I take a day, and it's really just a couple of hours to have some fun...I took a picture of our BEE WEEK projects..That little rope/popsicle stick/pencil eraser contraption is a buzz maker... It's super cool.
and finally... some pictures of the little stinkers...

Just a little toddlers and tiaras moment right here...
He's wild.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Summer 2011

Macy was smacking her forehad into an open book. I asked her to stop and then asked her what she was doing to which she replied " I'm trying to jump into this book!" Maybe too much SuperWhy???

I asked Luke a question in the car the other day and Macy informed me that Luke couldn't talk. Then a minutes later with a super alarmed look on her face she said "Mom?! How am I talking like this? How did I find all these words out? How do I know everything?!?"

Luke can say quite a few of words now, count to 3 ( uhn, two, TEE!) and can identify and "say" eyes, ears, mouth, nose, tounge, hair, chin, cheeks, hands, fingers, feet, toes, belly, and..... weenie. I'm sure you know who is blame for teaching him to identify his "weenie". He also says " dunna nunn nunna nunna dunna nunna nunna nunna BATMAN!" He also calls Spider man "bidda bidda Man"

Macy was going potty when all of the sudden she started BAWLING. I ran in to ask her what happened and she screamed " MY BUTT HURTS!" I was kinda freaked out and "I asked her what does it feel like?" to which she screamed her reply as "BURNT CHICKEN!!" I had no idea you could FEEL like burnt chicken.

Luke was bonking my head with his head and laughing hysterics... after about 10 times he grabbed my face and yelled "FUN!"

As we were driving down the street she was looking out the window and said " How are there so many places to explore on this earth?"

Macy was saying our family night time prayer  and she said "We're grateful for the sun, and clouds,  the rain and the stars in the night sky, we love "dee" dear heavenly father"

We call Luke "diddy bottom" and he's started calling himself "diddy bottom".We have a neighbor named Brody, which Luke calls "biddy". The other day he pointed to brody and said " biddy bottom!" He also calls out neighbor Sydney "sinny" and Iris "ah-dee" and Wendy is "win-ee"

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

...Alligator Juice...

Luke had a fever last night and for some reason whenever our kids get sick, Rich and I scramble to the store to get them Gatorade. So we got home and poured Luke a sippy cup full and Macy asked " what's that?" Rich told her "It's Gatorade to help Diddy feel better"

Fast forward to this morning I came downstairs with Luke and told Macy he was still feeling yucky. So she said " Oh you should give him some of that alligator juice to make him feel better."

So, from here on out in our house, Gatorade will now be called alligator juice.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

...sail through a grotto?...

Earlier, Macy brought her almost out of helium balloon up to me.
She said " Mom, this balloon is out of balloon oil"
I said " Kind of. It's actually called helium and it's a gas that keeps the balloon up, so yes, it's almost out of helium."
She said " When it's all gone, it'll run out of gas and it won't have anymore power?"
I said " That's right"
She said " Well, we'd better get a refill and quick!"
Macy just came up to me with big tears in her eyes...
She asked " Mom? If I get on a golden boat and sail through a grotto, will the sea witch cast a naughty spell on me and turn me into this?" Then she made a face that looked like she had been punched in the stomach.
I said "  No Macy, no sea witch will ever cast a spell on you EVER"
She said " oh good, then I'll stop crying"

Luke calls water " wan-oo" and if I give him "wan-oo" instead of milk, she throws his sippy cup across the room and yells " NO WAN-OO"

That isn't cute, I just wanted to keep it on record so I can remind him he owes me big time later in life.

Every time either Rich or I leaves the house Macy says " Bye! I'll never forget you!!!!"

Macy will randomly ask us " Hey, what song am I singing?" Then she'll make a weird face while she bops her head and looks like she is chewing something with her mouth closed. We didn't get it at first but she is actually singing a song in her head and trying to mouth the words...but with her mouth closed. The best part is we guess the songs right 80% of the time because she has so few songs in her repertoire. Meanwhile she thinks we are mind readers, and I think I'll keep it that way.

Luke has a unused swim diaper that he has made his hat. He brings it to me and says " at?" and touches his head, so I put it on and he walks around like he is the coolest thing ever and keeps patting the diaper saying " at!" with a super smug smile on his face.
I taught Macy the first Article of Faith just to see if she could remember it. I couldn't decide whether or not I should start the 2nd one or not so I just read it to her to see if she was interested. Two days later she told me " men should be punished for their own sins and not for Adam's transmission ( instead of transgression).

One of Luke's 5,000 nicknames is Godzilla. He is OBSESSED with sitting in or on things. If Macy builds a little town or tower out of blocks he walks up to it, turns around and sits on it. If there is even the smallest puddle of water or mud ( oye!) he walks right over, plops himself down and makes himself comfortable.
News update to the evolution of Luke's nicknames. Starting with his real name ending with what his name as evolved into.
Luker Bum
Luker bum bum
the bum bum
bum bum
bum diddy bum bum
bum diddy
the diddy
diddy from the big city.
the did

SO yes, we call our child "Did."
Any suggestion and/or guesses as to what the next stage of evolution will be??????

Monday, April 11, 2011

...who's the mom here...

I was rushing around to get the kids and I ready to go to the doctor and this little conversation happened...
MACY: Mom, will you read me a book?
ME: Nope, we are getting ready to go I can read it when we get back or you can take it and I can read it to you at the doctor.
MACY: Ok mom, listen close. THESE are your options. Read this book now AND at the doctor. ok?
ME: That is just one option, Macy.
MACY: Well that's the only option there is.

Oh my gosh I'm still laughing. She talks like she is 20.

Macy was watching Bambi and she stole a toy from Luke. I told her to give it back or I'd turn the movie off. She didn't give it back so I turned the movie off. And hour later after I had her help me with some chores, I told her she earned turning Bambi back on. After about 2 minutes of it being back on she came up and said this. " Mom I was really angry with you when you turned my movie off, but you did the right thing and turned it back on. I'm super proud of you and I love you very much."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

...macy, macy, macy...

Macy looked out the window at the snow on the ground and said " knock it off, snow!" She then asked me to list all the things we are going to do when the snow melts.
Last night Macy and Luke were watching me play angry birds. Macy kept telling me " I know you can do this mom" or " I know you can shoot that pig, I JUST KNOW IT!" We also invented different kinds of high fives and Macy's favorite ( that SHE invented) was my hand high fiving her tongue. Not a very sanitary way to celebrate. Luke would also clap and squeal every time we destroyed a pig.

When we were leaving a Chinese restaurant Macy said " Oh no! We are in Chinese Land! How are we gonna get all the way back to Macy Land?"

Macy kept asking me for fruit loops over and over and over again. I was in the middle of washing a sink full on non dishwasher safe things so I kept telling her " In a minute, as soon as I'm done" She just kept asking and asking and asking. Finally I dropped the pan I was cleaning and said, (okay yelled)  "Macy! You need to be patient!" She got a big sad look on her face and tears in her eyes and she said "But mom, I dont' have any patience! It went up out of my tummy and slooped out my mouth" I was dumbfounded, heart broken and trying so hard not to laugh all at the same time. p.s. what is slooped?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

...bluer, and bluer and bluer....

I woke Macy up from a taking too long nap and right as she was waking up she said " in my head, when I was sleeping I turned bluer and bluer and bluer" I'm assuming she was dreaming....


Macy made an octopus at storytime at the library last week. She was SO proud. unfourtunately Luke got a hold of it ripped every last leg off. Macy walked in on the massacre and gasped....then squated down next to him and said " Luke! I'm love you very much, but I am VERY disappointed you ripped my octopus!" One emergency surgery and roll of tape later, I handed the octupus back to Macy and SHE said " GOOD AS NEW!"

Monday, March 7, 2011 are my only mommy in this world...

I was blogging and Macy wanted me to set up her bowling pins....

Kellie: I can't right now, you need to do by yourself...
Macy: ( getting big, round, teary eyes) But I don't know how to do it, my daddy's at work and you are my only mommy in this world...

Needless to say. I immediately set them up... about 58 times.

Rich and Macy were playing with her little people  characters and animals....

Rich: Oh no she's gonna get us!
Macy: Don't worry I'll take care of this! I'm gonna get my gun and shoot em.
Me: ( very worried we are pretend playing with guns and pretend shooting people, but I keep my mouth closed)
Rich: You got em! Where did you get that cool gun?
Macy: Target!
Rich: where'd  you get the bullets?
Macy: Costco!
Rich: You used a Target gun and Costco bullets to shoot him?
Macy: No, HER. It was a crazy girl from outer space!

Macy in her prayers and other other night...

"please bless mommy's back to feel better ( she's been praying for this for 3 months, despite my back being fine now) and please bless that nicholas, emma, camilla, joy, brinn, kent, flora, mason, colt moss, mommy, daddy, luke, and me can go all go camping after the sun melts the snow..."

Macy was really struggling to listen well and ignoring everything I was saying...

Kellie: Macy are you a good listener?
Macy: yes I am.
Kellie: Than can you please show me what a good listener does?
Macy: ( thinks for a second, turns around with her butt sticking out looks over  her shoulder and shakes her butt) IS THIS GOOD LISTENING?!?!?! hahahah

Macy was counting and running out of fingers to count on, so she reached down and continued the counting on her toes.


Luke clearly wanted to get out of the bath today when he handed me the soap and then rubbed his own head and said "DAT", as to say "here's the soap, wash my hair and get me the crap out of here."