Tuesday, March 2, 2010

...the boy name...

first things first... I really need to change the header of this blog to include the little boy... I'm working on it :)

So, the name story is a semi long one, so I thought I'd get it on the "kid journal" instead of my regular blog, which is mostly for entertainment purposes only :)


Rich and I were talking about names a looooong time ago before Macy was even a twinkle in her dad's eye, and Luke was brought up and we both knew we loved the name, and wanted to name one of our son's Luke, if we ever had one :) Fast forward to 4 years later, when our first little boy was 24 hours old, we decided over breakfast that this little guy was the lucky "Luke" winner :)

During this pregnancy we were so confused about what to name him and had several names on the short list. The crazy part is we both subconsciously would refer to him, or his stuff as "Luke"... We got a few Christmas gifts for the little boy and I found myself several times telling Macy not to touch them because they were "Luke's toys" And every time I said that I would go, "WHAT the!?" Also Rich said he would drive past the hospital and just randomly think " That's where Luke is going to be born" and go WHAT THE?!?! Mostly because for most of my pregnancy we had written the name Luke off because it doesn't have enough syllables and possibly sounded like "Lou Kuh Nap" .... I'm pretty sure it STILL doesn't have enough syllables and does possible sound like Lou Kuh Knapp depending on how you say it or how much you over think it :) But we decided to get over it and give into it! And now we love it!!!!!

James came around for a few reasons... #1 It's manly :) #2It's the name of the one of the Captains of the Enterprise :) #3 Rich's dad's middle name is Jay.... so it's a half a shout out to Clive :)

So that's the story how the boy with no name became Luke James Knapp.


  1. Good choice! I don't think it sounds like Lou-kuh-nap (well only just a little since you pointed it out). But whatever, Luke is a cute name! And so is James. I don't think boy names have to flow the same way as girl names do. Luke James Knapp sounds like a baby who is going to grow up and be cool and strong and manly. Oh and he is so so so cute! I love his hair.

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the name Luke I would totally use it but I gotta say, "Lu-king" Is not a good name. Nor is "Jack-ing" which is another one I loved. Oh well. The trade-off is good, cause I like Ryan a lot. :) Congrats guys, he is adorable!

  3. I totally love the name Luke. It does have a nice ring to it. he is so adorable. Congrats honey.
